Our Acronyms defined in alphabetical order

If you've been wondering what all those letters really stand for, just select the first letter of the acronym you are looking for. If you're not able to find it, use our contact page to let me know and I'll add it to the list. Criteria for Including Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations in the Lexicon include:
Not generally included in a standard English dictionary; of general significance to space and electronic warfare, military technology or emerging technologies; or used in dialogue, part of the jargon, or found in recent professional literature pertaining to space & electronic warfare, military technology, C3I, computers, the Internet, weaponry, and related fields.

A  b   c  d  E  f  g  h  i   jk   l  m  n  o  pq  r  s  t  u v  wxyz

more about sew-lexicon

Often copied, duplicated, then placed in other websites, the Space & Electronic Warfare Lexicon was created to answer questions about the rising interest in the subjects as we move forward into the 21st Century. Others are welcome to use our reviews, after the courtesy of contacting us for permission, and crediting our site. Here is our Bibliography.

Who we are?

This site was originally built by Joe Cyr, who developed and maintained this site beginning in 1999, under the domain name sewlexicon.com. However, the domain was lost and sold to another business. sew-lexicon.info was purchased recently. Joe resides in Sarasota, Florida.

Our purpose :

The Lexicon originally contained only written definitions, internally cross-referenced. Throughout the years, Creator Joe Cyr noted that there was no "go-to" source for definitions of military terms. He has spent years accumulating and organizing the information within this site.

Additional Information

This material also includes (or will include shortly) a summary of naval signal flags, International Morse Code, a Cold War civil defense manual, and even a World War I song book. Other information may be added from time to time to keep the site fresh and interesting.

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email for more information: echoplex@ieee.org